Newborn + Infant Body Work

I provide gentle chiropractic and bodywork services for newborns and infants. All babies are born with some degree of fascial tension and strain, even in the most ideal and uneventful births, and particularly if there has been birth trauma. My techniques are customized to meet the delicate needs of infants, aiming to improve cranial and spinal alignment, alleviate potential discomfort, release fascial tension, and support overall well-being.

Benefits of my care

  • Addresses subtle musculoskeletal imbalances resulting from in utero constraints or birth trauma.

  • Reduces tension in the lip and tongue, preparing the body for an oral tie procedure or potentially avoiding one entirely.

  • Releases fascial strain.

  • Improves head shape and addresses torticollis.

  • Enhances latch and promotes efficient feedings, addressing difficulties with sucking or swallowing.

  • Improves sleep quality.

  • Enhances digestion, addressing issues such as reflux, colic, constipation, gas, and indigestion.

  • Facilitates a smoother developmental journey.

Techniques I use

  • Using light pressure to assess and evaluate the baby's structural frame, I will apply pressure to areas of tension and misalignment. There is no popping, cracking, or manipulation of the joints in this gentle and effective chiropractic technique.

  • CFT is a technique that centers on the craniosacral fascial system, which originates in the body's core around the brain and spinal cord and extends throughout the fascial web. A healthy system enables the unrestricted flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain down the spine to the sacrum and into the fascia. This technique listens to the body and gently unwinds the system, releasing fascial tension.

As your child grows, I'm here to make sure they're thriving without any misalignment or tension in their little bodies. Whether it's tumbles, sports fun, or early device use, these things can bring about some tension. Staying on top of these changes helps your child move and develop better, steering clear of future discomforts.

I have various ways to work with kids of all ages, tailoring adjustments and bodywork to suit each child's unique needs. I meet them right where they are. For your child's first session, we'll spend an hour together – a mix of play, snacks, parent cuddles, and, of course, treatment. Kids have fully developed musculoskeletal systems, but since they're still building muscle memory, they respond quickly to care. That's why they usually only need maintenance bodywork to keep feeling great.

General Pediatric Care

When do I want to see your child

  • During teething or when starting to feel unwell/recovering from illness (to aid fluid movement out of the ears, support lymphatic drainage, and provide a little immune boost)

  • History of tongue or other oral ties

  • Following significant milestones: rolling, crawling, walking

  • After falls or accidents

  • When experiencing digestive troubles: constipation, gas, bloating

  • Any other time you feel it's necessary!